Low Water Pressure

Due to high system demand and district working on water well, you could experience low water pressure for the next 24 to 30 hours.

Please limit all outdoor irrigations to help relief system demand.

Voluntary Water Restrictions in Place

Stage 1 of the district’s drought contingency plan has been triggered.

Please limit irrigation and lawn watering to the days indicated below.

  • Customers with a street address ending in an even number(0, 2, 4, 6 or 8), outside watering will be permitted on even days of the month
  • Customers with a street address ending in an odd number(1, 3, 5, 7 or 9) outside watering will be permitted on odd number days of the month

In the event no street addresses exist, only customers living on the north and west side of a street may use water outdoors on even-numbered days and only customers on the south and east side of the street may use water outdoors on odd-numbered days.

Outdoor water use shall be permitted only between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. to midnight.

Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Program

Montgomery County MUD #89 is providing eligible account holders with a $150 rebate on their next bill for installing an approved “smart” irrigation controller. A smart controller automatically adjusts to weather conditions, making it easier to maintain a healthy landscape while cutting water use. Studies show that up to 50% of water used for landscape irrigation can be saved with cloud-based “smart” irrigation systems.

Click here for more information on eligibility and to submit an application.

New Billing Software

Dear Valued Customer,

As your water and sewer operator for Montgomery County MUD # 89, Municipal Operations & Consulting, Inc., integrated a new billing software to better service our customers.

You should receive a blue notification in the mail with your new account number and security code to set up new customer portal, to view account balances, and set up online payments.

If you need assistance, please email our office at customerservice@municipalops.com or by phone at 281-367-5511.

Sample Notification Letter (PDF)

Yellow-Looking Water

Parts of Montgomery County and MUD 89 continue to be affected by the drought of 2022.

Our team is working to address the drought’s effect on the water system. A recent water source change may have changed the direction of the water flow in the distribution system to your home or business, causing yellow-looking water.

If you experience a change in your water, please get in touch with Municipal Operations Consulting (MOC) at (281) 367-5511.

MUD89 Update as of 12/24/22

Your public water system is operating normally. However, the freeze has affected the interior plumbing of a few customers.

If you’re currently without water or as temperatures increase, discover any leaking water, please immediately call Municipal Operations Consulting (MOC) at (281) 367-5511 to report the leak and help maintain the integrity of the public water supply.

EyeOnWater Data Outage

Over the past few months, a portion of the smart water meters in the District has experienced issues communicating with the cellular network.

The water meters affected by this issue are being manually read monthly during the outage.

Hopefully, by the end of November, the replacement of the cellular communication device will be complete. Once replaced, the EyeOnWater portal data should be restored.

Notice of Groundwater Reduction Plan Fiscal Year 2023

Rates for Participants
Effective September 1, 2022

July 6, 2022

Dear Participants,

On Monday, June 20, 2022, the GRP Review Committee voted to recommend adoption of a proposed GRP Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Budget, which will require rate increases and amendments to the GRP’s Rate Order for Participants. The motion passed with 3 votes in favor, and 2 against.

On Thursday, June 23, 2022, the GRP Review Committee’s recommended budget and Rate Order was presented to and adopted by the San Jacinto River Authority’s (SJRA) Board of Directors. The amended GRP Rate Order is available on SJRA’s website at www.SJRA.net/GRP under the “Information Library” and “Rates” tab. We recommend that you review and become familiar with the amended GRP Rate Order.

Based on rising inflation costs for products and services, such as chemicals and electricity, the GRP Review Committee approved a 4% increase. Effective September 1, 2022, the Pumpage Fee and Import Fee will increase from the current rate of $2.88/1,000 gallons to $2.99/1,000 gallons, and the Surface Water Fee will increase from the current rate of $3.30/1 ,000 gallons to $3.41/1,000 gallons. Thesc fees generate the revenues necessary to pay for the operation and maintenance of the GRP facilities and to fund debt service. SJRA strives to effectively manage the costs of operation and maintenance of the GRP facilities so that the lowest responsible fees are adopted under the Rate Order.

Formal adoption of the GRP Division’s Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Budget will be presented and considered for approval at the SJRA Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, August 25, 2022. An additional notice will be sent to GRP Participants following the SJRA Board of Directors approval of the GRP Division’s Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Budget.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact GRP Division staff by telephone at (936) 588-1662.


Chris Meeks
GRP Administrator
San Jacinto River Authority

Stage 1 – Voluntary Water Use Restrictions

Voluntarily Reduce Water Use and Irrigation:

  • Outdoor watering shall be between the hours of 6 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. – midnight.
  • Even-Numbered Address: Water on even-numbered days.
  • Odd-Numbered Address: Water on odd-numbered days.
  • No Address:
    • North and West side of Street: Water on even-numbered days.
    • South and East Side of Street: Water on odd-numbered days.