
Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Program

Montgomery County MUD #89 promotes water conservation by providing eligible account holders a rebate for existing and new “smart” irrigation controllers. A smart control intelligently optimizes your in-ground irrigation system by automatically adjusting to weather conditions, making it easier to maintain a healthy landscape while cutting water use. Studies show that up to 50% of water used for landscape irrigation can be saved with cloud-based “smart” irrigation systems.


Eligible rebate participants must be a District Single Family Residential User in good standing for the property where a qualifying smart irrigation controller is to be installed.  Single Family Residential Users are limited to one (1) rebate per account.

Qualified smart irrigation controllers include Rachio, Rain Bird, Aeon Matrix Yardian Pro, Orbit B-Hyve, Hunter Hydrawise, or any similar smart controllers with the ability to monitor weather with any local weather station.

Application Process

Rebates applications are reviewed and processed on a first come, first serve basis.  All rebates are subject to the availability of District funds and the approval of the District’s Operator in accordance with this program.

Users that currently own a qualified smart irrigation controller may apply and follow the program instructions for the rebate.

Smart irrigation technology equipment does not exempt District Users from watering date and time restrictions pursuant to the District’s Rate Order.

Rebate Program Instructions

NOTE: By submitting the application below, you are agreeing to allow a Municipal Operations Consulting representative to inspect the installed smart irrigation controller at your home.

If eligible and approved, a $150 rebate will be applied to your next monthly water bill.

Please allow two weeks for your application to process.

All fields in the form below must be filled out to process the application. Please do not leave any of them blank.

Submit Application