Project Summaries

Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 89 is a predominantly single-family residential community covering approximately 367 acres, with 1,591 developed lots, and 18 acres of commercial development. The District is served by underground utilities and streets. The District’s leadership, including its Directors and Consultants, is focused on delivering high-quality services to residents and taxpayers at affordable rates. Below are active projects that are underway to improve the quality of water services for residents.

Birnham Woods Pedestrian Bridge

  • What: Pedestrian Bridge over Legends Ranch Central Drainage Facility along Birnham Woods Dr.
  • Why: To provide connectivity for pedestrians to the commercial areas at Birnham Woods Dr. and Grand Parkway
  • When: Project kicked off in September of 2024. Estimated completion January 2026
  • Who: Joint Project funded with MCMUD 88 and Spring Creek UD
  • How much: Construction is estimated at $762,000 with the District’s share being approximately $213,000 (28%)
  • Total Estimated Duration: 480 calendar days

Water Plant No. 2 (WP2) Expansion

  • What: Construction of a third Ground Storage Tank (GST) west of the existing water plant site with aeration improvements
  • Why: To maximize the pumping capabilities from the District’s Jasper Aquifer Water Well
  • When: The project kicked off in July of 2024. The estimated construction completion is summer 2026
  • Who: Joint Facility with MCMUD 88 and Spring Creek UD; Managed by MCMUD 89
  • How much: Construction is estimated at $3,758,000 with the District’s share being approximately $1,125,000 (33.3%)
  • Total Estimated Duration: 725 calendar days

Surface Waterline Connection

  • What: Extension of an SJRA surface waterline to Water Plant No. 2
  • Why: To create an alternative water source to help alleviate the demand on the District’s Evangeline Aquifer Water Wells
  • When: Anticipated Kickoff early 2025
  • Who: Joint Facility with MCMUD 88 and Spring Creek UD
  • How much: Construction is estimated at $5,583,000 with the District’s share being approximately $1,861,000 (33.3%)
  • Total Estimated Duration: 815 calendar days