Best Trash Holiday Schedule

Please note service times will likely be later than usual with the additional holiday volume.

Service Schedule

  • Saturday, December 25, 2021: No services provided. Service will resume on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, for trash collection.
  • Wednesday, December 29, 2021: Normal services provided.
  • Saturday, January 1, 2022: No services provided. Service will resume on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, for trash collection.
  • Wednesday, January 5, 2022: Normal services provided.

Office Hours

  • Friday, December 24th – CLOSED
  • Saturday, December 25th – CLOSED
  • Friday, December 31, 2021 – 9:00 am – Noon
  • Saturday, January 1, 2022 – CLOSED

COVID-19 Update – Please Bag All Trash

Currently trash & recycle services will continue as normal.

Please refrain from generating additional heavy trash, such as cleaning garages, closets, extra yard work, etc. Due to extra volumes, trash is extremely heavy and our routes are running later than normal. Please be patient as we are doing our best to get all trash collected.

In response to the continuing effects of the Coronavirus and in observance of our employee’s safety, we are asking that all waste be placed in plastic bags and tied off to avoid any need for direct contact with the garbage.

Please continue to place your recycling loose in your container. Please break down all boxes and reduce in size as much as possible. If you exceed the capacity of the container, please bag and place with trash. However, if anyone in your household is exhibiting symptoms of any transmissible illness, please place recyclables in plastic bags and dispose of with your regular garbage.

Please do not call the office. Go to website for updates or contact

Coronavirus Update – Please Bag Your Garbage

In response to the continuing effects of the Coronavirus and in observance of our employee’s safety, we are asking that all waste be placed in plastic bags and tied off to avoid any direct contact with the garbage.

Trash collection services will continue as normal, but we are experiencing an increase in the amount of residential solid waste as a result of residents spending more time at home. Please be patient as we are doing our best to get everyone collected.

Green waste collection will continue; however we anticipate delays in service. By taking the following steps, residents can help minimize these delays:

  • Mulch leaves and grass clippings instead of bagging them for disposal.
  • Limit the amount of pruning and tree trimming to only what is essential.
  • If utilizing a landscaping company, ensure all green waste is collected and hauled off by the contractor.

Please continue to place your recycling loose in your container. However, if anyone in your household is exhibiting symptoms of any transmissible illness, please place recyclables in plastic bags and dispose of with your regular garbage.

Independence Day Trash Collection

In observance of Independence Day, there will be no trash collection on Wednesday, July 4th. Trash collection will resume on the next scheduled service day.